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PayPal and Crypto

PayPal have quietly launched the ability to buy and hold crypto currencies. Currently [December 2022] Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and Bitcoin Cash are available to buy …

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Bitcoin Wallet

Flash Loan Fraud

The Blockchain environment together with Smart Contracts are making flash loans relatively easy to set up and run.  A flash loan is not illegal.  A ...
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Exit Scams

The Web 3 Cryptocurrency or Decentralised Finance (DeFi) distributed environment was reported as losing over $2,500,000,000 in the year up to September 2022 by CertiK.  ...
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Cryptocurrency and Computer Games

The virtual worlds of computer gaming are a burgeoning market for the Blockchain.  The game system is monetised through the sale of in-game items, which ...
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Bundling NFTs

Long ago almost every breakfast cereal came with a free toy.  The choice of which brand to buy was as much a case of which ...
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Gas Fees

Gas Fees are transaction fees that crop up in many Blockchain events including minting NFTs.  The official explanation is that the people running all the ...
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Monitor Keyboard and Mouse

Discord Server Dangers

Discord is a chat server, running as an app or through its own web interface.  It grew in popularity as a virtual meeting place for ...
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Smart Contracts Explained

Smart Contract may be a snappy name but is not the best explanation of what is going on. The Smart Contract itself is a piece ...
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Bitcoin Wallet

NFTs As Collectibles

At the time of writing (October 2022) CoinMarketCap lists over 2,800 collections of related NFT art.  The total assets contained within most collections are in ...
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Proof of Work vs Proof of State

A significant financial element of trading in NFTs is the gas fee charged on minting and transactions. The fees work their way through the cryptocurrency ...
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Trust in the Blockchain

The core concept of a Blockchain is of a series of linked transactions distributed within a computer network.  The nodes verify each other’s data so ...
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Securing NFTs

The Blockchain provides a secure medium to hold NFTs and cryptocurrencies.  Like any virtual or real life security solution it can only be as reliable ...
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