Men Thinking

Web3 Domain Names

We use domain names to access web pages although the actual location where these pages reside is a set of numbers; the IP address.  Most …

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Etherscan Basics – Tracking Crypto Transactions

Past and current transcations are permanently stored within Blockchains. Etherscan is a utility that allows those on the Ethereum network to be followed with relative ...
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Server Room

Crypto Exchange Vulnerability

The distributed and verified aspects of Blockchain means that data is relatively secure while on the chain.    There is a risk of the chain ceasing ...
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Zero-Risk Crypto 2: OKXWallet and Moving Crypto

In the first part of Zero-Risk Crypto SecureWeb3 ran through setting up a browser wallet and putting some zero-risk or test crypto into it. To ...
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Bitcoin Wallet Image

Zero-Risk Crypto 1: Creating a MetaMask wallet

Most crypto currencies have real value.  This together with related trading and gas fees could make any dabbling in them a risky business.  Test networks ...
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Wallet Security

SecureWeb3 has explained the types of crypto wallet available.  The wallets themselves do not contain any crypto currency or NFTs but do work as the ...
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DApps and Smart Contract Vulnerabilities

DApps are distributed applications running on the web facilitating the transfer of funds, goods or services.   In broad terms a DApp is a Smart Contract ...
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Real Value of NFTs

The value of any investment can go up and down although all investors hope for an overall net gain.  In the NFT world there is ...
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NFT Provenance Problems

Provenance is a key term in the art world.  Is a piece of art what it purports to be?  Tracing where it came from and ...
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Digital Lock

Crypto Brand Protection

New crypto businesses need to establish a strong track record to prove that they can be trusted, bring in and keep new customers.  Unfortunately there ...
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Stablecoins such as Tether are cryptocurrencies whose value is pegged to physical real world currencies.  Their value should fluctuate in the same way as their ...
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NFTs in Football

Football (Soccer) has a history of collectables and trading fan merchandise.  Rarer match programmes fetch significant sums.  Trading cards and stickers offer an ‘affordable’ introduction ...
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