
UK Stance on NFT Copyright

In October 2023 the UK House of Commons Committee published a report; ‘NFTs and the Blockchain: the risks to sport and culture’.  This is not …

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blockchain smart contract auditor stays up working on contracts.

Smart Contract Auditors: Mastering the 5 Steps to security

In the rapidly evolving world of blockchain technology, smart contracts have emerged as a powerful tool for automating and executing agreements.
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A Dedicated Follower of Fashion

In June 2023 a USA Federal judge ruled that MetaBirkin NFTs sold by Mason Rothschild broke the Trademark rights of the French fashion brand Hermes.  ...
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Property Rights and The Metaverse

SecureWeb3 has discussed the nature of crypto offerings on the closed metaverse platforms such as Decentraland and The Sandbox. As with any environment, virtual or ...
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The Blockchain Metaverse

A Metaverse is some alternate computer version of our Universe.  One of the earliest manifestations was Second Life which came on-line in 2002 and is ...
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WorldCoin – A currency, an ID tag, money for nothing?

WorldCoin (WLD) has launched across multiple countries with the promise of free crypto in exchange for your retina scan.  In the UK scans are currently ...
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The Future of Initial Coin Offerings

The ICO (Initial Coin Offering) is the buildup to the launch of a cryptocurrency or crypto related ‘opportunity’.  Investors are encouraged by the prospect of ...
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Crypto Investment or Commodity?

International legislation is starting to catch up on crypto tokens and currency trading.  Although new laws are being created much of the debate depends on ...
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24-Hour Cooling Off Period for UK Crypto Sales

From 8th October 2023 UK sellers of crypto products will be required to offer a 24 hour cooling off period between an agreement to purchase ...
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Lost Cryptocurrency

Vast amounts of Cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin and Ethereum has simply been lost within the Blockchain system.  This has some benefit in reducing the supply of ...
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Generative AI Art and NFTs

SecureWeb3 has already discussed the issue of copyright relating to the original source work behind NFTs.  A more subtle issue comes from the use of ...
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Combating NFT Fraud – DMCA requests

A DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) takedown request is the first means of attack to remove copyright violations on the Internet.  Within the Web3 environment ...
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